New data from February 2025 shows that the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP) continues to fail COVID vaccine injury victims. You may hear about a $2.56 million payout for a rare blood clot case (TTS), but a closer look at the numbers reveals a troubling reality: almost no one receives compensation, and the few who […]
An mctlaw client was awarded $55,000 in compensation from the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program after suffering a shoulder injury (SIRVA) from a flu shot (Case No. 22-724). The ruling, issued by the Court of Federal Claims on February 6, 2025, marks a significant victory for the client and highlights the critical role of experienced legal […]
A federal lawsuit filed today alleges that the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) has failed to meet the deadline required by federal law to include the COVID-19 vaccine in the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP). Suit was filed in Federal District Court for the District of Columbia on behalf of Paul Brundage […]
Law360 recently published an article written by attorney Altom Maglio titled, “A New Way Forward For COVID Vaccine Lawsuit Immunity.” The article explores the upcoming changes as legal protections for COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers and administrators under the PREP Act come to an end. These protections, which have largely prevented lawsuits, are now expiring. The article […]
The attorneys at mctlaw argue that the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP) is a failure and unable to effectively compensate people with COVID-19 vaccine injuries. Instead, these cases should shift to the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) which has a 35-year proven track record. A recent lawsuit to fix the Countermeasures Program is pointless when the VICP […]
Only 1 single person in the United States with COVID-19 vaccine injuries was compensated by the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP) since April 2023. There are still 11,806 people waiting to find out if their claims will be approved. The newest “update” awards only $3,957 to a person diagnosed with Myocarditis after getting the COVID-19 […]
Washington, DC May 11, 2023 – Mctlaw won more than $2 million in Vaccine Injury Compensation Program awards for 12 of our vaccine injury clients since January. These clients experienced severe life altering reactions, including: Intussusception, Shoulder Injury Related to Vaccine Administration (SIRVA), Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis (ADEM), Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS), and Thrombocytopenic Purpura. The vaccines […]
Our vaccine injury lawyers can represent you in the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) no matter where you live in the country. We help people in every state get compensation for serious side effects to vaccines. If you’ve experienced a severe vaccine reaction lasting more than 6 months, you might qualify for a payout from […]
Recently, an article published in the August Issue of “Food and Drug Law Journal” titled Immunizing the Immunizers: How COVID-19 Vaccine Injury Claims and the CICP Will Increase Anti-Vaccine Sentiment in the United States and How HRSA Can Prevent It, described several ways that the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP) could change the way it […]
SARASOTA, FL — (March 16, 2022) – mctlaw announces the addition of attorney Catherine Costigan to the Firm’s Vaccine Injury practice. Ms. Costigan comes to mctlaw from the New York County Defender Services with extensive experience as a lead attorney, representing clients in felony and misdemeanor cases and trials. She successfully represents clients in tough […]
This past Monday the U.S. Food and Drug Administration added a new warning to the J&J COVID-19 vaccine fact sheet. This warning indicates an increased risk for an autoimmune disorder called Guillain-Barre syndrome. GBS causes a person’s immune system to attack its own peripheral nervous system. The FDA suggests that J&J vaccine recipients should seek […]
Health and Human Services (HHS) says it will no longer move forward with removing SIRVA and syncope, or fainting, from the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. This is a complete turnaround from the previous administration’s plans to enact this change on February 22nd. The rule to strip these claims from the program would have severely limited the […]
It’s official. A third COVID-19 vaccine is out for distribution in the United States. This Saturday, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorized Johnson & Johnson’s COVID-19 vaccine. It is the first vaccine to only require one shot for immunization. An estimated 3.9 million doses of this third vaccine will be distributed across the U.S […]
Americans today have a lot of questions about the COVID-19 vaccine. The most frequently asked question is: “Should I get the vaccine if I’ve had a reaction to other vaccines in the past?” Typically, they’re referring to other vaccines such as the flu shot. The answer, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention […]
The FDA approves a second COVID-19 vaccine as daily death and infection rates spike across the country. The CDC voted 11-0 to approve the Moderna vaccine in people 18 and older. Earlier in the week, the FDA gave Moderna an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) after reviewing clinical trials. Moderna vaccines will begin shipping out on […]
The first COVID-19 vaccine approved by the CDC will start rolling out on Monday. On Saturday, Dec 12th, the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) unanimously voted 11-0 to approve the Pfizer – BioNTech version of the vaccination. The panel approved the 2-shot vaccine for people 16 years and older. Hospitals expect to get […]
A new study shows up to 80% of COVID-19 patients have experienced neurological symptoms. The Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine study of 509 patients found the coronavirus can affect more than the respiratory system, with some alarming potential impacts to the brain. Common symptoms of the virus are loss of smell, fever, fatigue, and […]
Those who suffer injuries or life-altering conditions from the upcoming COVID-19 vaccine will face difficulties getting vaccine injury payouts. The Wall Street Journal reporting COVID-19 vaccine injuries will be covered by what’s called the countermeasures vaccine injury compensation fund. It was set up 10 years ago to cover injuries from vaccines for a flu pandemic, […]
Another COVID-19 vaccine trial is now on pause after a study participant’s unexplained illness. The Associated Press reports that Johnson & Johnson is investigating if the person’s illness is related to the coronavirus vaccine. Johnson & Johnson joins AstraZeneca/Oxford as the two drugmakers to stop vaccine trials because of side effects. No details were released […]
Reuters reports the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has expanded its investigation of a serious vaccine injury in AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine study. The company’s late-stage US trial has been on hold since September 6th after a study participant in England was diagnosed with transverse myelitis, a rare spinal inflammatory disorder. Participants in other studies […]
Some coronavirus vaccine trials are showing day-long side effects, but participants say it’s worth it, according to CNBC, reporting on the vaccine trials from Moderna and Pfizer. Some of those receiving the trial COVID-19 vaccine say they experienced exhaustion, high fever, body aches, and headaches. Participants also said the symptoms were uncomfortable and sometimes intense, […]
A new poll shows many Americans will not get a first-generation COVID-19 vaccine as soon as it becomes available because they do not trust the pharmaceutical companies to adequately test the immunization. The latest Axios/Ipsos poll reveals 60% will avoid the vaccine when it’s released, while 39% say they will get the vaccine. These poll […]
With so much research happening around the world to come up with a cure for a vaccine for the coronavirus, it’s important to understand how that research happens. Below we’ve explained the different phases of COVID-19 vaccine development and what each of them means. PRE-CLINICAL TRIALS The development of a vaccine for the coronavirus begins […]
The nation’s top expert on COVID-19 says even though a vaccine is expected by early 2021, it will likely be the end of next year before life gets to a pre-pandemic normal. NBC News reports Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, says a COVID-19 vaccine should be approved […]
Advocacy groups and business industry leaders from across the country gathered on Monday during a governmental meeting to say they are all opposed to removing SIRVA and syncope from the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP). On Monday, May 18th, the Advisory Committee on Childhood Vaccines (ACCV) met to discuss proposed changes to the Vaccine Injury Table. The […]
Facebook Live on Guillain-Barré Syndrome in the VICP can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Vaccine Facebook Live ( mctlaw attorneys Anne Toale, Danielle Strait, and Diana Stadelnikas went live on Facebook to discuss GBS in the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. Watch the video here or read the transcript below. Transcript Anne Toale: Hi. […]
Statement on behalf of mctlaw by Vaccine Injury Attorney Anne Toale over proposed legislation to remove SIRVA and syncope from the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program: As a past president of the Vaccine Injured Petitioners Bar Association, I oppose the unprecedented move by the Department of Health and Human Services towards eliminating more than half […]
This week mctlaw posted nearly 50 new vaccine injury decisions and settlement amounts to its case results page at This table shows how much money our attorneys recovered for clients with severe reactions through the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. You can read through the entire table of our Vaccine Injury Case Results here. Some of […]
Attorney Anne Toale (pictured to the right) Presented to Anne Toale for your service as the President of the Vaccine Injured Petitioners Bar Association 2017-2018 mctlaw attorney Anne Toale honored today by the members of the Vaccine Injury Petitioners Bar Association. The award recognizes her accomplishments leading the VIP Bar Association from 2017-2018 and was presented […]
Every year a select group of attorneys from around the country gather in Washington, DC for the annual Vaccine Injured Petitioners Bar Conference. mctlaw is highly involved in the VIP Bar Association and takes an active leadership role each year. Attorneys Altom Maglio, Jessica Olins, Anne Toale, Jennifer Maglio, and Diana Stadelnikas all led presentations and discussions […]
Altom Maglio giving final remarks MCTLaw attorneys Jessica Olins and Danielle Strait Anne Toale discussing “on-table” and “off-table” vaccine injury claims Jessica Olins discussing attorneys fees mctlaw attorneys Altom Maglio, Anne Toale and Jessica Olins training new vaccine injury attorneys this week in Washington, DC. at the Vaccine Injured Petitioner’s Boot Camp. Every year our entire […]
Vaccines, like many medicines, are finicky. To stay safe, they need to be stored in very specific conditions. Give them too much heat or too much light, and they can become ineffective. The current need to refrigerate vaccines makes them difficult to safely transport and distribute. Because of this, areas with improper health infrastructure see […]
A recently-published long-term study that measured the efficacy of a pneumococcal vaccine in Kenya shows how widespread vaccination can improve public health. In 2011, Kenya introduced a new pneumococcal vaccine to its child immunization program: PCV10 (or Synflorix). Prior to the introduction of PCV10, Kenya did not require nor provide children with any sort of […]
Hepatitis B is an incredibly common – and deadly – infection that affects hundreds of thousands of people each year. Children in developing countries are especially prone to contract and die from hepatitis B. High rates of infection in developing countries are partially due to the fact that it is difficult to safely store intravenous […]
It is no secret that medicines have very specific storage needs. Think about all of the medications you’ve handled in your life. Some need opaque bottles, others need clear bottles. Some have to be stored in the freezer next to your pizza rolls, while others can safely add to the clutter in your purse without […]
A warning to adults in Kentucky who got vaccinated between September 1 and December 31, 2018: Patients and doctors report a number of serious adverse vaccine reactions coming from vaccine clinics held at Kentucky businesses during those dates. The reactions include swelling, hard knots, pain, redness, abscesses, and lumps. According to WKYT, the problems originated with Location […]
The North Carolina Bar Journal published an article co-written by attorneys Cecelia Stultz and Jessica Olins in the Winter edition of this prestigious law publication. Stultz and Olins wrote about the complex process of the Vaccine Injury Compensation program. The pointed out the very focused nature of vaccine injury litigation (only about 100 attorneys practice in […]
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is reporting a sudden spike in cases of Acute Flaccid Myelitis (AFM). At least half of the states in the U.S. have reported cases of this mysterious disease. Vaccination may play a role in triggering this Polio-like illness. A January 2015 article in The BMJ suggested that vaccines may […]
Children given the flu shot along with other common childhood vaccines are more likely to suffer from a febrile seizure A recent study, funded by the Center for Disease Control, looks at connections between childhood vaccines and febrile seizures. The American Academy of Pediatrics published this study in its July newsletter, citing research conducted by several […]
A study outlined in the Journal of the American Medical Association links the H1N1 Flu vaccine with a small increased risk of developing Guillain-Barre Syndrome. Reuters Health reported on a research study conducted at Laval University in Quebec City which tracks newly-diagnosed cases of Guillain-Barre in the six months after H1N1 vaccination began in Quebec. Their findings […]
There is help available for people hurt after having a severe and debilitating vaccine reaction. Unfortunately, many people never know about the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program because it’s not widely publicized. The Vaccine Court “establishes the Vaccine Program as a no-fault compensation program whereby petitions for monetary compensation may be brought by or on behalf […]
May is International Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) Awareness Month. Guillain-Barre Syndrome is a rare disorder where your body’s immune system attacks your nerves. It can spread very quickly, paralyzing your entire body. It is a serious medical condition that requires hospitalization in most cases. The exact cause of GBS, and a similar condition, Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating […]
A recent study by the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) indicates changes could make flu vaccines more effective. Every year, the World Health Organization (WHO) figures out which strains of the flu virus should be targeted, based on information that it gets from laboratories throughout the world. The flu vaccination for each […]
The Firm’s Diana Stadelnikas Sedar, Esq. was interviewed recently regarding a client’s case in Vaccine Court after developing Guillain-Barré Syndrome triggered by a severe vaccine reaction. Attorney Stadelnikas Sedar, a partner at mctlaw, was able to help her client receive compensation through the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. To learn more about this reaction, visit […]
The American College of Pediatricians issued a statement in January articulating concerns about the Gardasil Human Papillomavirus Vaccine (HPV4). Two reports have been issued, each highlighting 3 cases, where post-menarcheal adolescent girls developed laboratory documented premature ovarian failure within weeks to several years of receiving the Gardasil vaccine. Premature ovarian failure, (POF), is also known […]
The Los Alamos National Laboratory predicts the 2016 flu season will peak this February, which is later than the last three years. Although predicting the flu is not an exact science, experts believe that the later the flu season starts, the milder the epidemic may be for that year. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) […]
A recent study by the University of Florida, and published in the journal of Emerging Infectious Diseases, indicates that often times the flu vaccine that people get does not cover the virus that is most widespread that particular year. The World Health Organization picks between one and four flu types annually to cover under the vaccine […]
When you are faced with a debilitating injury, the result of a vaccine side effect, there are specific steps that need to be taken. You will need a lawyer that has experience in this particular type of claim. Here, Attorney Diana Stadelnikas Sedar explains your next steps after a severe vaccine reaction. Adverse Reaction to […]
A vaccine related injury, whether it’s Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS), Transverse Myelitis, or one of the many other complications related to severe vaccine reactions, can be devastating to your everyday life. Choosing a lawyer that understands the complex territory of vaccine related injuries is critical to the success of your case. It is important to understand […]
Appellate attorney Jennifer Gore Maglio published this article in The Federal Circuit Bar Association November 2015 newsletter. Maglio reviews “the delicate balancing act assumed by the Court of Federal Claims in providing an immediate level of review in vaccine litigation”. Filing an appeal in the Federal Vaccine Court is more complex because of an additional […]
The Food and Drug Administration has approved a new flu vaccine, specifically geared for patients age 65 and over. The Seqirus’ Fluad is the first flu vaccine to include an adjuvant, a compound that helps vaccines work more effectively. Fluad has been used in other countries since 1997 and is currently in use in 38 […]
The first new treatment for Guillain-Barre Syndrome in 20 years is entering a Phase II clinical trial. It’s called eculizumab, which is a humanized monoclonal antibody first approved by the Food and Drug Administration in 2007 to treat a rare blood disorder. In Guillain-Barre Syndrome or GBS, the body’s immune system attacks part of the […]
A pharmaceutical company is voluntarily recalling a batch of hepatitis A vaccines because of a quality issue. A Food and Drug Administration Philippines advisory listed six lots of the vaccine, with the brand name Epaxal, that are affected by this recall. The vaccines were manufactured in Spain by Crucell Switzerland AG and shipped to the […]
This year’s flu vaccine is not working well. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said it’s not a good match for this season’s prominent strain, which has mutated. So far most of the flu cases this year have been caused by the influenza A H3N2 strain, which is one of the strains included in […]
The U.S. Senate on Thursday confirmed Lydia Kay Griggsby to a 15-year term on the United States Court of Federal Claims At the time of nomination, she served as chief counsel for privacy and information policy for the U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary. She was confirmed by a unanimous vote of the Senate. Judge […]
European health officials are reporting that 13 deaths in Italy are not related causally related to the Fluad influenza vaccine, manufactured by Novartis. The Italian Medicines Agency (AIFA) had recalled two batches of the vaccine as a precaution. AIFA, Italy’s drug regulator, has been working with the European Medicines Agency (EMA) to investigate those two batches […]
With flu season getting underway, two influenza vaccine makers are facing setbacks in the production of their lots. GlaxoSmithKline and Sanofi have encountered manufacturing issues that have delayed and reduced vaccine distribution in the United States. GlaxoSmithKline GSK’s Canadian flu vaccine plant in Quebec had contamination issues earlier this year. The U.S. Food and Drug […]
The nasal spray flu vaccine was not effective last year at preventing H1N1 infection in young children, according to health officials with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Researchers looked at data from three observational studies. They were surprised to find little to no protective benefits from AstraZeneca’s nasal spray vacine against the H1N1 […]
A new study by the Food and Drug Administration shows the Fluzone High-Dose influenza vaccine is more effective than the regular vaccine at preventing the flu in older adults. The FDA approved the high-dose vaccine four years ago but wanted to know more about its prevention capabilities. The agency asked the manufacturer to conduct a […]
Health officials are ahead of schedule as they expect to start trials of an Ebola vaccine in December in West Africa, a month earlier than planned. The World Health Organization announced it could know by April if the vaccine is effective and ready for mass distribution. Those at high-risk in Liberia, including health care workers […]
Hospitals and medical professionals are reportedly making billions of dollars from drug manufacturers and medical device companies. According to data released by the U.S. government, doctors and teaching hospitals had $3.5 billion in financial ties with these companies in the last five months of 2013. For the first time, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid […]
A new report published in the journal Pediatrics found adverse reactions to vaccines are rare but do happen, and in some cases, the reactions can be serious. After looking over about 20,000 research papers, the health professionals who wrote this report analyzed the results of 67 research studies that met their criteria. The team launched […]
A new HPV vaccine may be available by the end of the year that protects against several strains of the human papillomavirus. Dr. Kevin Ault, an obstetrician-gynecologist at The University of Kansas Hospital, is a leading expert on HPV. Ault said the improved vaccine will protect against seven of the 12 strains of HPV known to cause […]
U.S. health advisers say the nasal spray flu vaccine is more effective than the traditional shot for children ages two to eight. This declaration comes from the Advisory Committee on Immunization, which makes recommendations to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention regarding vaccines. The panel said studies show children who get the spray are about […]
The Food and Drug Administration has uncovered quality control problems at a Canadian GlaxoSmithKline plant that manufactures the flu vaccine FluLaval. The FDA has ordered the British pharmaceutical company to review its manufacturing processes worldwide. On June 12 the FDA sent a warning letter to the facility in Sainte-Foy, Quebec, operated by GSK subsidiary, ID […]
The Food and Drug Administration has licensed a first-of-its-kind facility in the United States to manufacture cell-based flu vaccines. The plant is located in Holly Springs, North Carolina is owned by pharmaceutical company Novartis. The vaccine, Flucelvax, will now be produced in the U.S. for the first time. It’s the first FDA-approved seasonal influenza vaccine […]
Australian biotech company CSL has wrapped up a four-year investigation into why some children who received its flu vaccine in 2010 had febrile seizures. Studies found strains in that year’s Fluvax vaccine overstimulated the immune system of some children and adding more virus-splitting agent could reduce that response. During the 2010 flu season in the […]
Public health officials in California say the number of whooping cough cases has reached an epidemic level. In just the past two weeks, more than 800 people have come down with the illness that’s also known as pertussis. Two infants have died. According to San Diego County Health and Human Services, more than 85 percent […]
A study out this month shows a combination vaccine that protects against four diseases in one shot may increase the risk of fever-induced seizures in toddlers. The MMRV or Priorix-Tetra vaccine, used in Canada gives infants immunity against measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella, or chickenpox. Traditionally the varicella shot was given separately, but this four-in-one […]
As the number of cases of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, or MERS, continue to grow worldwide, a vaccine could be on the way. Researchers with the University of Maryland School of Medicine and biotech company Novavax say they have developed a vaccine that blocks the virus in laboratory testing. The vaccine is still in the […]
The number of measles cases in the US so far this year makes it one of the worst outbreaks since 1996, according to the CDC. The agency recorded 288 cases of measles in 18 states so far. Most of those cases can be traced to people traveling overseas, catching the virus, and coming back to […]
Vaccine attorney Anne Toale was interviewed on WSRQ radio about how the vaccine compensation program works. She also talked about how families cope with the struggles of severe reactions and how emotionally rewarding it is for her to help people get compensation through the Vaccine Court. Click Here to Listen to Anne Toale’s Interview Contact […]
Few people expect to get measles after getting the measles vaccine – or give it to someone else. But in the case of a 22-year-old New York woman, she not only got the measles but gave it to four other people. This startling case study reported in Clinical Infectious Diseases suggests that a recent swell of […]
Researchers from the University of NSW in Australia say the whooping cough vaccine commonly used to immunize against the disease may have actually bred a more evolved strain of the illness. The current vaccine works by locating a protein called pertactin – one of the key elements of the disease. But the university study showed […]
U.S. regulators give the green light to a meningitis B vaccine produced by Swiss drugmaker, Novartis. The company’s vaccine, Bexsero, has been given “breakthrough therapy” status. That designation is intended to “expedite the development and review of drugs for serious or life-threatening conditions,” according to the FDA. The next step will be to get full […]
Public health messages aimed at boosting childhood vaccination rates may be backfiring, a new report finds. Current efforts that use scientific studies, vaccine facts and images and stories of disease-sickened kids actually increased fears about vaccine side effects among some parents. Even when they successfully refuted claims about a link between vaccines and autism, they […]
A mumps outbreak is causing concern at Ohio State University. Twenty-one cases had been reported since March 14, with 17 of those infected being Ohio State students. Mumps is a viral infection of the salivary glands, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website. It can spread through coughing, sneezing, or contact with […]
An experimental vaccine to treat advanced melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer, proved effective in a late-stage study. According to an article reported by Reuters, the vaccine shrank tumors that were both injected directly by the drug and those around the body that were not injected. The drug, known as T-vec, is an engineered […]
Princeton University continues to guard against a rare strain of meningitis that sickened several people on the campus last year and killed a Drexel University student in early March. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warned that the strain may not have been eradicated at Princeton — even though 95 percent of those eligible […]
Scientists have developed a revolutionary vaccine that does not require refrigeration or booster shots, making the so-called nanovaccine a potential “game-changer” in curbing disease in the developing world. Experts believe the drug, which is delivered in a nose spray, could extend immunization to millions of people who are not now vaccinated against dangerous, infectious diseases. […]
Mctlaw is a law firm representing people in vaccine injury claims in the United States Court of Federal Claims. We do not provide vaccine exemptions or medical advice of any kind. The British Government will shell out big money to patients who suffered brain damage as a result of taking the swine flu vaccine. The […]
Soon, getting the flu vaccine could be as easy as slapping on a patch. Yep, you read that right. Researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology (a.k.a. Georgia Tech) have developed a flu vaccine patch that would not only allow people to ditch the needle but also administer the vaccine themselves. The patch is covered […]
When most people need the answer to something, their first option is to “Google” it. Need directions to an unfamiliar place? Google it. Need instructions on how to build something? Google it. Worried that your cold is actually something more serious like the flu? Google it. This flu season, the folks at Google are learning that […]
There are a few new recommendations for this year’s adult immunization schedule. Each year, the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices reviews the schedule and suggests any possible changes, and the group recently released its suggestions for 2014. Among the key changes are revised notes on administering vaccines for several illnesses, including the flu, HPV, […]
A new Centers for Disease Control (CDC) report shows that some healthcare providers made a mistake when giving the rotavirus vaccine to infant patients. The vaccine protects against a stomach virus that can cause severe diarrhea, and is designed to be given orally, by placing drops in a baby’s mouth. However, a recent CDC study identifies […]
Brian Corcoran is the new Special Master of the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. Appointed January 13th, Corcoran will now oversee and decide vaccine claims. Experience He is a seasoned trial attorney with experience in a wide variety of legal matters, including intellectual property, general commercial disputes, tax matters, and pro bono civil rights and […]
What was supposed to be a simple vaccination against the swine flu has turned into a nightmare for a 15-year-old girl living in the UK. Just four months after receiving the shot, Chloe Glasson developed narcolepsy. Now, her family says she falls asleep without warning up to 30 times a day. Chloe is one of […]
Merck recently issued a voluntary recall of one lot of its vaccine, Gardasil, due to glass shards in some of the vials. Gardasil is one of two vaccines approved to protect against cancer-causing strains of the human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. 10 Affected Vials According to the CDC, Merck asked offices and clinics that received lot J007354 to […]
The FDA is adding a new vaccine to its “worst case scenario” pandemic stockpile. The vaccine is meant for the H5N1 avian influenza but will not be released to the general public. The vaccine would only be used in case an avian flu type virus develops the ability to spread quickly from human to human. […]
Two new quadrivalent flu vaccines just approved by the FDA, are expected to be available to consumers for the upcoming 2013-14 flu season. French drugmaker Sanofi SA and British GlaxoSmithKline have both been approved by the FDA to supply the new four strain flu vaccines to consumers in the US. The Sanofi Fluzone Quadrivalent vaccine […]
The Japanese government says it will no longer recommend HPV vaccination for girls, according to reports in News reports say the Japanese public is concerned about the adverse effects from the cervical cancer vaccine. The Japanese Health Ministry will not promote the use of the HPV vaccines until more research is done about the […]
It’s a groundbreaking opportunity to meet the men and women who make up the Office of Special Masters in the Federal Vaccine Court. These are the specially appointed attorneys who review vaccine claim and play a large role in how vaccine injury victims are compensated. The live webcast will take audience questions about vaccine jurisdictions and […]
Michael Stec wants people to know how he ended up in a hospital, paralyzed, and breathing through a ventilator tube, almost overnight. Stec told an NBC 6 reporter in Miami that when he arrived at the emergency room last October, unable to walk, the doctors immediately asked if he had gotten a flu vaccination. That’s when […]
A healthy and active 23-year-old air force mechanic fights to recover from Guillain-Barré Syndrome after receiving a nasal spray vaccine. According to a story in The Air Force Times, Airman 1st Class Lori Cord became almost completely paralyzed from GBS. It’s taken her months of physical therapy and medical treatment to regain 50% of her […]
The push is on to get your seasonal flu shot. The kickoff to the season starts with National Influenza Vaccine week, from December 2nd through December 8th, 2012. The goal of this 7 day focus on the flu shot is to encourage people to get vaccinated as soon as possible. Every year millions of Americans get a flu […]
Anyone who wants to learn more about the National Vaccine Program can attend a public meeting of the National Vaccine Advisory Committee. When and How to Attend The meeting dates are September 11-12, 2012 in Washington, DC. But you can also attend the meeting from the comfort of your computer screen by watching via webinar. However, you have to pre-register online. […]
Millions of US children could be susceptible to the Mumps virus, even though they were vaccinated for the contagious childhood disease. Details of a whistleblower lawsuit against vaccine maker Merck accuse the pharma giant of selling a weakened mumps vaccine since 1999 that doesn’t work as well as Merck claims it does. The lawsuit filed […]
A new study reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) shows a “small but significant risk” of getting Guillain-Barre Syndrome from the H1N1 vaccine. According to the L.A. Times, researchers in Canada tracked down 83 confirmed cases of GBS diagnosed in that country between October 2009 and March 2010. In 25 of those cases, […]
$2 billion dollars. That’s how much money the federal government has paid out to vaccine reaction victims since 1988 when the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) was first created. VICP is a system that compensates people who’ve been hurt because of a severe vaccine reaction. The numbers show that the most commonly compensated vaccines […]
Did you know that May is International Guillain-Barre Syndrome Awareness Month? The GBS/CIDP International Foundation is leading groups in communities all over the world to highlight GBS and CIDP through fundraisers, walks, 5K runs, bake sales, fashion shows, and art receptions. The goal is to let others know about GBS/CIDP and their variants. Here is […]