What is the Status of the Biomet Hip Litigation?


mctlaw Attorney Michael Cowgill explains the status of the Zimmer Biomet Litigation. To date, Zimmer Biomet is the only metal-on-metal hip manufacturer that has yet to face a jury in trial.

“We’re looking forward to finally having our day in court for our clients,” says attorney Michael Cowgill.

In May, mctlaw and its’ co-counsel will face Biomet in trial. mctlaw Attorneys have almost 20 trial dates scheduled for clients throughout the next two years, the first one begins in May 2020 in King County, Washington State.

The Biomet M2a-38 and the M2a-Magnum are metal-on-metal hip implants with a history of serious complications. Patients across the United States have filed lawsuits demanding Biomet take responsibility for making and selling defective hips.

Biomet and its sales representatives convinced many surgeons across the US about the promise of their M2a metal on metal hip implants. Unfortunately, and unknown to most people (including surgeons), more than 95% of medical devices, like the M2a 38 and M2a Magnum, hips make it into a patient’s body without a single test for safety or effectiveness. Basically, the majority of the patient population became live test subjects without even knowing it. When that happens, patients – like our metal on metal hip clients – unknowingly take on risks of horrifying medical outcomes.

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