J&J DePuy Pinnacle Metal on Metal Hip Replacement Lawsuits
Johnson & Johnson Depuy Pinnacle Hip Replacement Lawsuits
DePuy (pronounced like “Dep-YOU”) Orthopaedics is owned by Johnson & Johnson. Through DePuy, J&J made two types of metal-on-metal hip replacements: the “DePuy ASR” and the “DePuy Pinnacle.”
Both have failed in large numbers and are no longer used by any orthopedic surgeon. The “DePuy ASR,” was recalled by J&J in 2010. The DePuy “Pinnacle,” was never recalled by DePuy even though they recalled the ASR for the same problems. There are several types of Pinnacle hip replacements. Not all are metal on metal. The “Ultamet” is the metal-on-metal variant of Pinnacle hip systems.
What Is Wrong With Pinnacle Hip Replacements?
The Pinnacle Ultamet hip can release tiny metal particles when the cup and the ball parts rub against each other. These particles float around the hip implant, causing catastrophic, irreversible muscle and tissue damage. Some of these particles are microscopic in size and cross into the bloodstream where they damage other parts of the body with potentially devastating effects.Often, patients with extremely high metal levels in their blood have no symptoms at all. They don’t know anything is wrong until they start having severe health complications. Some patients have mildly elevated levels of metal debris in their bodies, but the damage around the hip implant is extensive.
Other Side Effects of Metal on Metal Hip Replacements:
If you have a DePuy Pinnacle metal-on-metal hip replacement, it’s extremely important to see your doctor for testing or diagnosis of any of these conditions.
- Metallosis or inflammation in the tissues around the joint
- Bone loss from hip replacement
- Loosening of the hip implant
- Adverse Reaction to Metal Debris or ARMD
- Aseptic Lymhocyte-Dominant Vasculitis-Associated Lesions or ALVAL
- Pseudotumors
- Neurological issues
- Heart complications or heart failure
- Revision Surgery to remove and replace the hip joint
How Did the DePuy Pinnacle Hip Replacement Get Approved by the FDA?
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) cleared the Pinnacle hip replacement in 2000 to implant in patients. However, it was cleared through the FDA’s grandfather clause, meaning it was similar enough to another already cleared hip replacement that it didn’t have to go through ANY safety testing. The FDA’s grandfather process allowed DePuy to sell the Pinnacle hips because DePuy claimed that the Pinnacle was substantially similar to metal-on-metal devices from the 1960s. The problem is that companies stopped selling metal on metal hips from that time period because of concerns over metal toxicity.
DePuy cleared two metal-on-metal hip replacements through this process: the Pinnacle in 2000 and the ASR in 2004 and told the FDA that these hips were “substantially equivalent.” DePuy recalled the ASR in 2010 but refuses to recall the Pinnacle, even today.
Have You Suffered From a Pinnacle Metal on Metal Hip Replacement?
mctlaw is one of the few law firms in the country representing people with Pinnacle metal on metal hip replacements.
We do not string you along, sell your information, or refer your case to other firms. We believe you deserve respect, understanding, and compensation for your injury.
What To Ask When Hiring a Lawyer?
Mctlaw actively files lawsuits for metal-on-metal hip replacement injuries. Most law firms don’t do this. Before you choose legal representation, ask these questions when contacting lawyers:
- Will your firm represent me or refer me to another firm?
- How are you actively working on Pinnacle hip implant cases?
- What are you doing differently with Pinnacle hip cases than other law firms?
- Will I be able to speak with my attorney throughout the process?
How mctlaw Handles Metal-on-Metal Hip Claims Differently:
- When you call mctlaw, you will speak directly with our staff. Most TV advertisements provide a call center number and are not actual law firms.
- Call centers sell your lead to a law firm that pays for your information. We NEVER do this.
- You will speak to the attorney handling your case. Many firms deal with hip replacement injuries as an assembly line.
- Our clients are treated with respect and given the attention they deserve. You will not be a number to mctlaw.
- We work directly for our clients. We communicate with our clients often and are available to answer questions throughout the case.
Why you Should Contact an Attorney Right Now, Even if you Don’t Have Symptoms
Although there has not been a recall for the metal-on-metal DePuy Pinnacle Acetabular Cup hip implant, you should still contact an attorney who handles metal hip cases. There are deadlines to file your case and your attorney can make sure you don’t miss these dates.
mctlaw is one of the nation’s leading law firms handling metal-on-metal joint replacement cases. We filed the FIRST metal-on-metal hip implant lawsuit in the United States and have worked to litigate these cases ever since.
Metal on Metal Hip Replacement Cases FILED BY mctlaw Across the United States
Click on each state to view the number of cases.
Metallosis involves a build-up of metal debris in the body’s soft tissue. These particles rot healthy red tissue and muscle around the hip replacement and turn it into a dead mass of gray gunk. This causes pain and loss of mobility, among other issues.
Cobalt-Chromium Poisoning
Cobalt-Chromium poisoning is when there are elevated amounts of cobalt and chromium metals in the bloodstream. The level for those with metal-on-metal hip replacements is usually slightly higher than normal, but it can progress to a dangerous level and pose health risks.
$120 Million Settlement with 46 US States – January 2019
DePuy agrees to a $120 million settlement with the attorneys general of 46 U.S. states. The states said Depuy misled patients by claiming their hip replacements would last much longer than they did. That promise turned into a nightmare for patients who suddenly need another hip replacement surgery just a few years after the first one. The lawsuits alleged that DePuy engaged in unfair and deceptive sales practices with ASR XL and Pinnacle Ultamet hip replacements.
$247 Million Jury Verdict – November 2017
In a unanimous verdict, a Dallas jury told Johnson & Johnson and Depuy Orthopedics to pay $247 million to 6 people hurt by the defective Pinnacle hip implant. This is the 3rd trial in a row where a jury sided with the patients over the corporations. Our attorneys believe this verdict is a good sign for all victims of metal on metal hip implants. These hips are defective, they are hurting thousands of people across the country, and juries are siding with the little guys in this David and Goliath fight.
$1 Billion Jury Verdict – December 2016
On December 1, 2016, a jury returned an astounding $1 billion verdict in favor of 6 people injured by the Pinnacle hip replacement. This is the largest award ever handed down in any metal on metal hip trial. It’s the second time in only 8 months that a jury has awarded a verdict meant to punish the company for how it handled these defective hips. Attorneys at mctlaw believe this sends a strong message to DePuy and J&J that it’s time to start settling these cases instead of losing billions of dollars in trials. Juries are not showing sympathy for these huge companies when they see the physical damage their implants have caused to the patients who trusted them.
$500 Million Dollar Jury Verdict – March 2016
In March 2016 a jury awarded a nearly $500 million dollar verdict to 5 victims of defective Pinnacle hip replacements. The verdict included $360 million in punitive damages. This was a resounding victory for all of the victims of defective metal-on-metal hips. You can read the entire Pinnacle hip trial verdict form.
Frequently Asked Questions About the DePuy Pinnacle Hip Replacement
What is the DePuy Pinnacle Hip Replacement?
The DePuy Pinnacle hip implant is a type of hip replacement with a high profile because of lawsuits alleging the metal-on-metal version is defective. The Pinnacle brand of hip system is manufactured by DePuy Orthopedics and is owned by Johnson & Johnson. Jury verdicts against DePuy and J&J over defective Pinnacle hips have reached up to $1-billion dollars.
Has the DePuy Pinnacle Hip Replacement Been Recalled?
The metal-on-metal version of the Pinnacle hip implant has NOT been recalled but DePuy stopped selling it in 2013. Companies sometimes voluntarily take a product off the market rather than face a recall.
What is Wrong with the Depuy Pinnacle Hip Replacement?
The metal cup and ball of the Pinnacle hip implant rub against each other and can release tiny metal particles into the body. As you move, more and more particles are released. These particles can cause catastrophic, irreversible damage from metal poisoning. Common reactions include metallosis, pseudotumors, metal reactions, dead tissue, and muscle. The smallest metal particles can get into the bloodstream and cause devastating effects elsewhere, such as vision and hearing loss, kidney damage, memory problems, and other system-wide reactions.
What are the Signs and Symptoms of Pinnacle Hip Replacement Problems?
Metallosis, pseudotumors, high blood metal levels, vision or hearing loss, and revision surgery to remove and replace a bad hip implant are common with Pinnacle hips. Metallosis is when small particles of metal rub off and rot the healthy hip tissue around the implant. Pseudotumors are another reaction to metal particles. They are large, solid, or semi-liquid masses of soft tissue growth inside the body, usually around the hip joint. Vision and hearing loss can occur as systemic reactions to the metal build-up in the body from Pinnacle hips.
How Do I Find Out What Kind of Hip I Have?
You may have gotten an implant card after your surgery with the name and serial numbers of your implant. Another way to find out what kind of hip you have is to contact your surgeon and/or hospital and ask for the following medical records:
- A copy of your operative report
- A copy of your hip implant records
These should only be a few pages long. You do not need a copy of your entire hospital record. We’ve created a simple guide to find out what kind of hip replacement you have.
Is There a Deadline to File a Hip Replacement Claim?
Yes, definitely. There is a limited period of time to file a lawsuit for injuries suffered as a result of a defective product. Do not put off getting information about your hip replacement because it could hurt your potential case.
Will I Have Symptoms if Something is Wrong with My Hip Replacement?
Many patients will experience symptoms if something is wrong with their hip replacement, but not everyone has symptoms. People can have dangerously high blood levels of metal ions but feel no pain or any other physical warning that something is wrong. Common symptoms include pain, pseudotumors, metallosis, ALVAL, squeaking in the joint, dislocation, vision loss, cardiac problems, hearing loss, and more. It’s important to remember that you may not always have symptoms as the hip replacement fails.
How Much is a Hip Replacement Lawsuit Worth?
Settlement amounts depend on many factors and are almost always confidential. However, some are publicized like the $1-billion dollar jury verdict for people injured by Johnson & Johnson’s DePuy Pinnacle hip replacement. There’s also a $502 million dollar verdict.
Why Hire Our Attorneys to Represent You in a Hip Replacement Case?
Mctlaw has focused its practice on defective hip replacement cases for more than 15 years. In 2008 our attorneys filed the first lawsuit involving a modern generation metal on metal hip replacement in the United States. Attorneys at mctlaw hold national leadership positions in ongoing hip replacement litigation. Mctlaw is one of the few law firms in the country actively pursuing jury trials for defective hip replacements.
Content Reviewed by Michele Stephan – Product Liability Lawyer

Michele Stephan handles product liability cases in state and federal courts throughout the country. Ms. Stephan has represented clients in civil litigation for over 25 years. At mctlaw she litigates cases for clients with defective hip replacements and defective drug and pharmaceutical lawsuits. Ms. Stephan is a member of the Twelfth Judicial Circuit Pro Bono Committee and a Director of the Sarasota County Bar Association.
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