DePuy Allegedly in Process to Settle Pinnacle MoM Hip Cases


According to court documents released on Monday, November 26th, 2018, DePuy appears to be in the process of settling thousands of their Metal on Metal hip cases within the Multi-District Litigation.  Typically, court documents that talk of the payment terms for attorneys are produced when the settlement process begins. So far no formal announcement of any settlements has been made.

The metal liner of the Pinnacle device creates friction between the cup and the ball-shaped head of the thigh bone. This can cause the hip parts to prematurely wear down and release microscopic metal ion particles into a patient’s body. The patient may experience metal poisoning, short-term side effects, and unknown long-term health problems. Some patients don’t realize that they are being poisoned until a blood test shows unsafe levels of heavy metals in their body or an MRI or CT shows tissue destruction or bone loss.


DePuy discontinued sales of the Pinnacle metal liner in mid-2013 but has not issued any recalls.

If you have a defective metal hip replacement, contact mctlaw by calling 888.952.5242 or filling out a form below for a free case review.


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