“The Bleeding Edge” Documentary and Problems with FDA


You may have seen or read about the recently released documentary The Bleeding Edge. If not, it is presently available on Netflix. The documentary discusses the problems with the FDA regulation of medical devices and metal-on-metal hip replacements in particular.

The Bleeding Edge is a great example of what strong journalism can do. The Essure birth implant device, which was the main device chronicled in the documentary, was just pulled from the market by Johnson and Johnson days before the release of the movie. We believe this was a direct result of the release of the documentary.

We are fully aware of the issues discussed in this documentary relating to metal-on-metal hips (MoM hips). Some of the professionals interviewed in the documentary are already involved with our law firm regarding our metal-on-metal litigations.

There continues to be research into how the body reacts to metal debris from implants. This includes local damage around the hip joint as well as what we call “systemic” damage caused by metal traveling through the bloodstream to different body systems.  As you saw in the documentary, Dr. Tower is particularly investigating issues affecting the brain.  If you suspect you have “systemic” issues that may be related to your implant, your priority should be to discuss those issues with your doctors.

We strongly encourage you to share this documentary with your friends and, especially, your doctors.  We agree with the documentary that many medical professionals are unaware of the loose FDA regulations regarding how these devices make it onto the market. This documentary is an excellent way to present that information to your surgeons.

As always, it is our honor to represent people across the country dealing with the aftermath of metal-on-metal hip replacements. We will continue to fight on their behalf in pursuit of justice.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out.

Thank you,

Altom M. Maglio, Esq.
Managing Partner, mctlaw

Defective Metal on Metal Hip Replacement?

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