Attorney Michael Cowgill Radio Interview about Kratom Lawsuits


Mctlaw Attorney Michael Cowgill was recently interviewed by radio host Juan Pablo Salas on La Numero Uno 99.1 FM, 1280 for their business segment. They discussed the matters mctlaw handles in the Sarasota County area and nationwide. Attorney Cowgill discussed wrongful death litigation involving Kratom, which is often sold as a powder, tea, or pill, and is marketed and sold as an all-natural plant-based “miracle” solution to many illnesses. 

In reality, Kratom is a dangerous substance that acts as a pain killer and can cause addiction. People taking Kratom can overdose and die. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has linked more than 150 overdose deaths to kratom use.

Other topics discussed included medical device product liability litigation involving metal-on-metal hips and business litigation. Mctlaw continues to work hard to bring justice to those hurt by Kratom and defective medical devices.

Mctlaw is a national litigation law firm with offices in Sarasota, FL, Seattle, and Washington, D.C. firm represents clients in tribal law, medical product liability, and vaccine injury compensation. Learn more at


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