2 Billion Dollars Paid to Families in Vaccine Settlements Since 1988


$2 billion dollars.

That’s how much money the federal government has paid out to vaccine reaction victims since 1988 when the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) was first created. VICP is a system that compensates people who’ve been hurt because of a severe vaccine reaction. The numbers show that the most commonly compensated vaccines are:

  1. DTP (diphtheria-tetanus-whole cell pertussis)
  2. Influenza (Trivalent)
  3. MMR (measles mumps rubella)
  4. Hepatitis B

The report indicates that in the past many of these vaccine claims were from children. However, because of the large number of adults getting influenza vaccines, many more adult claims have been filed since 2005.

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