Kentucky Patients – Infections from Flu Shots & Other Vaccines


A warning to adults in Kentucky who got vaccinated between September 1 and December 31, 2018:  Patients and doctors report a number of serious adverse vaccine reactions coming from vaccine clinics held at Kentucky businesses during those dates. The reactions include swelling, hard knots, pain, redness, abscesses, and lumps.

According to WKYT, the problems originated with Location Vaccination, a company that sends out staff to vaccinate people at local businesses.  That company has since stopped vaccinating, so there are no further risks.

It looks like the problem is with how these shots were given, meaning injection safety and not a reaction to the vaccine itself. The Kentucky Department for Public Health believes the problems stem from improper storage and handling of the vaccines.

People who got a hep A, TDaP, pneumococcal, or seasonal flu shot from Location Vaccination between September 1, 2018 and December 31, 2018 should be alert.  Reactions can happen up to 8 weeks after getting the vaccination.

The Kentucky Department for Public Health (KDPH) sent out a statewide health alert asking for information about anyone experiencing a serious reaction to vaccinations given between those dates.

Our highly experienced vaccine attorneys are reviewing Kentucky vaccine injury cases now.

You may be eligible for the federal Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP)

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About the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program

Currently, there is more than $3 billion available in a federal trust fund to compensate people with vaccine injuries. Americans with vaccine injuries have already received more than $2 billion in compensation since 1988.  Find out more about how the program works and if you qualify.

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How to File a Vaccine Injury Compensation Claim

Filing a vaccine claim is a complicated and adversarial process. Vaccine Cases are NOT typical personal injury cases. Your vaccine lawyer needs to be a member of the Court of Federal Claims Bar and should be highly experienced in litigating vaccine injury cases before the Vaccine Court.

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Common Adverse Vaccine Reactions

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